Saturday, November 19, 2016

Relationships and Music Have Remarkable Rhythms!

Music and rhythm are inseparable! The longer I live, the more I am convinced that life, relationships, and rhythm are intertwined. The piano is an amazing instrument. Lovely music can come from its musical chords, and harmony. However, make no mistake, dissonance can be heard from a piano too. The black and white keys do not all look alike. Individuals to not all look, think, and act alike.The flats and sharps complement one another. Our diverse personalizes can complement one another. People influence the lives of other people. Oh, what tunes we interject in the lives of others to bring about disturbing discord or miraculous melodies. Music has healing properties within it. Likewise, relationships have healing properties within them. We are instrumental in introducing peace, joy, love, or ...confusion, pain, offense, and hurt into the lives of others. The rhtyhm could be simple, like the classic children's song, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," or, the rhythm could be as complex as Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. # 3 in C major. A rhythm can be compelling and captivating! What is your signature rhtyhm? Our relationships can be compelling and captivating too ...with a bit of effort on our part. Rhythm is inevitable. Harmony can be achieved with effort, deep interest, discipline, knowledge, and practice. Dissonance can be achieved by ignorance, neglect, apathy, and laziness. In any context, most of us prefer harmony to dissonance. Are we willing to put in the effort to achieve it? How do you effect the rhythm of your cherished relationships?

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